Emergency Service Lockers

Arkinstall has carved out a unique niche, becoming the go-to expert for bespoke lockers and storage solutions tailored specifically for the Emergency Services. Our journey of innovation has led us to broaden our horizons, now offering an expanded range of products meticulously designed to meet the distinctive needs of the Ambulance, Police, and Coast Guard Services.

Firehouse Storage Solutions

Our working relationship with the Emergency Services began when Arkinstall was approached by West Midland Fire Service to design storage units for new issue fire fighting uniforms for thirteen stations at short notice.

As a result of the success of this collaboration our range of products has grown rapidly, and are now also being supplied to the Ambulance, Police, and Coast Guard Services.

PPE and equipment used by all services are specialised and expensive, so it makes sense to prolong its life by ensuring it is stored securely and safely.

All of the products we manufacture for Emergency Services are bespoke, designed to fulfill a specific requirement, and last a lifetime.

Head over to our Kit Locker Storage Solutions section , to find out more about our other services

Police Locker Room Solutions

Our working relationship with the Emergency Services began when Arkinstall was approached by West Midland Fire Service to design storage units for new issue fire fighting uniforms for thirteen stations at short notice.

As a result of the success of this collaboration our range of products has grown rapidly, and are now also being supplied to the Ambulance, Police, and Coast Guard Services.

PPE and equipment used by all services are specialised and expensive, so it makes sense to prolong its life by ensuring it is stored securely and safely.

All of the products we manufacture for Emergency Services are bespoke, designed to fulfill a specific requirement, and last a lifetime.

Head over to our Kit Locker Storage Solutions section , to find out more about our other services

Ambulance Equipment Storage

At the heart of our mission lies the commitment to empowering Ambulance services with robust, sturdy, and enduring storage solutions. Designed to tackle the rigorous demands of emergency medical services, our Ambulance storage units are crafted with resilience in mind. They're built to absorb the daily knocks and scrapes of fast-paced environments, while their strength ensures the safekeeping of heavy equipment and sizable bags. Our storage solutions stand as a testament to durability and efficiency, ensuring that when seconds count, everything is exactly where it needs to be. Join us in setting a new standard for Ambulance storage, where excellence meets endurance.